Kozyrev Mirror

This device is not a simple aluminum bent around like the ones going around online nor a mirror. Everything given to the public is distorted, incomplete or flat-out wrong.


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Hey you, 
This device is not a simple aluminum bent around like the ones going around online nor a mirror. Everything given to the public is distorted, incomplete or flat-out wrong. I’ve spent time building a version that isn’t just based on rumors or surface-level ideas.

 I will provide a handwritten book which includes my findings of the other side. I will walk you through on how to navigate the space within the book. How to deal with the beings. What to expect, how to protect yourself and how/what you can access on the other side. This is going to be somewhat technical book and documentation which lacks my point of view and comments because I don't want to influence your experience.

 Some calls it exiting the matrix, others call it leaving the body with your soul. Whatever you want to call it, words don't change the core truth of the reality. Book will have step by step instructions for you to get out of the 3D within the device.

This listing is for access to the documentation of my device. Documentation includes all the materials used, how I combined them, how, why it works and what you are accessing. With this documentation, you can build your own version as it includes all the details. 

Once you buy this eBay listing, you will receive an email containing password to unlock the documentation on my website. If you want more info before diving in, check out mykozyrevmirror.com

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