These are 5 1.5 inch Bone Ash Cupels, Melting dishes... They have been the industry standard for over 100 years, and all major labs use these in their assays, as they absorb much of the junk (trash) that these metals collect, or have been left in the metals during their original melting.... I have sold many of them on Ebay in the past, and now that Goldco Mining has reinstated most of it's original suppliers, we are back to serve the melting public.... Check my feed back, I am at 100%, and that is because I take care of my customers, I pack very well, and I do replace anything that arrives broken, at my expense.... I have served people since Ebay arrived on the scene, with a three year break, due to some internal problems within the structure of our management (someone thought they owned Goldco Mining and Refining, when I am the sole owner.... We are back and ready to serve you.... I can get you about anything for melting and casting.... Goldco Mining and Refining is an authorised reseller for DFC Ceramics and Action Mining Services.
Please feel free to try us out...
I can sell these by 300 case lots for 250.00 plus shipping, but I will have to know where you live to get the shipping prices, so you can contact me if you are interested in full cases.... I will be eventually listing other items such as scorifying dishes (melting dishes), Right now, I already have 30 gram crucibles listed for you, if you need them... I can ship up to four crucibles at a time, but I would have to check the shipping .... If you need four, contact me and I can list them for you.... They are 30 gram Colorado Clay crucibles, and are from DFC, made here in the USA...
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