VHS/VHS-C/HI-8 8MMVideo8/MINI DV TAPES TO DVD orFlash Drive Transfer Service 

Video Tape Transfer Service to DVD VHS TO DVD VCR Tape Conversion Fast Turn. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Will transfer vhs to dvd or digital or flash drive or private link for online viewing have been doing this since 2019 will give back the originals will also do moldy vhs tapes the tape in the photo had mold and i cleaned it. Will mail back the next week or in the same week or next day after transferring the tape depending when the tape arrives and how many you have depending when i receive the tapes I do hi8 vhs vhsc mini dv will start the day I get it will charge extra for broken tape


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Video Tape Transfer Service to DVD VHS TO DVD VCR Tape Conversion Fast Turn. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Will transfer vhs to dvd or digital or flash drive or private link for online viewing have been doing this since 2019 will give back the originals will also do moldy vhs tapes the tape in the photo had mold and i cleaned it. Will mail back the next week or in the same week or next day after transferring the tape depending when the tape arrives and how many you have  depending when i receive the tapes I do hi8 vhs vhsc mini dv will start the day I get it will charge extra for broken tape

video transfer service VHS Video to DVD Transfer

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